

Ayurveda is a perfect ancient science of life. The word AYUR literally means life and VEDA, the science or knowledge. Ayurveda briefly explains the knowledge of the do’s and don’ts one has to follow, which favors the well being of each individual to lead a healthy, happy, comfortable and advantageous life physically, mentally & socially. Ayurveda also emphasizes that “prevention is better than cure.’

History Of Ayurveda

There are four vedas or treatises which form the basis of Indian Philosophy. They are the RIGVED, the YAJURVEDA, the SAMAVEDA and the ADHARVA VEDA. Ayurveda has emerged out as the branch of ADHARVA VEDA dates back over five thousand years. It is said to have been originated from LORD BRAMA (creator of the universe according to Indian Philosophy) and has been descended to the earth through various generations of GODS and SAINTS. This has been handed down to us by means of ancient venerable scripts as palm leaf books, leather leaves etc. The oldest works in Ayurveda, now available are the CHARAKA SAMHITHA, SUSRUTHA SAMHITHA, and ASHTANGA SAMGRAHA.

Ayurveda is also known as “ASHTANGA VEDA” (the word literally means “Eight branches of knowledge”) as it is divided into eight specialized branches. They are as follows.

Kaya Chikilsa
General Medicine
Kaunara Bhrithya
Graha Chikilsa
Psychiatry and Psycho Somatic diseases
Shalakya Tantra
Diseases of eye, ear, head, nose, throat and its surgery
Shalya Tantra
General Surgery
Agada Tanta
Rasayana Chikilsa
Rejuvenation Therapy
Vajeekarana Chikilsa
Aphrodisiac Therapy

According to Ayurveda every living and non-living being in this universe is a combination of five basic eternal elements, called Pancha Maha Bhoothas. Human Body is also constituted by these five eternal elements in various compositions. Hence it can be conceived that every cell of body is possessed with all the properties of life. The only difference of Human Body from the external world is the expression of CHAITHANYA or consciousness or life spark or spirit or soul. The five basic eternal elements are:-


The five eternal elements (Earth, water, Fire, air and Ether) manifest in the human Body as three basic principles or subtle energies or humors (thridosha in Sanskrit). The word Dosha literally means that which maintains and controls the body. They are Vatha, Pitha and Kapha. The Pancha Maha Bhoothas and Thridoshas are not prevalent to the naked eye. But they should be conceived on comprehensive terms in which all-physical structures and physiological Functions of the body are included. The Air and Ether elements combined to form the Vatha principle. The fire element constitutes Pitha Principle. Earth and Water elements combine to form Kapha Principle. These three basic principles govern all biological, physiological and physio-pathological functions of the body, mind and consciousness. They act as basic constituents and protective barriers for the body in its normal physiological conditions.

Principles & Terminology of Ayurveda

Vatha Principle

It is considered as the prime among the three as it governs the functions of all other doshas.

Properties of Vatha





Subtle and Minute


Functions of Vatha

Controls movements

Controls Breathing

Controls natural gas

Tissue transformation

Motor functions

Sensory functions

Controls secretions & Excretions




Important sites of Vatha


Stomach and upper






The large intestine is the main site of Vatha.

Pitha Principle

Properties of Pitha

Slightly OilyDry




Unpleasant odor

Spreading Nature

Liquid Form

Properties of Pitha

Facilitate metabolism & Hormonal Functioning

Regulates Body Heat the temperature

Helps Digestion



Hunger and Thirst


Color & Complexion





Properties of Pitha


Stomach and upper






Navel is the main site of Pitha.

Kapha Principle

Properties of Kapha




Slow acting




Functions of Kapha

It gives stability & Energy to the body

Development of body



Sexual urges


Immune Resistance







Important sites of Kapha








Chest is the main site of Kapha.


The term literally means that which supports the body functions. These are basic functional tissues of the body. They are seven in number.

1. Rasa (Plasma)
2. Raktha (Blood)
3. Mamsa (Muscle)


The word literally means three qualities or three properties. These are the three specific properties of the Mind. They are Satwa/Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Qualities of these three Gunas are

1. Satwa or Sattva:

Cleanliness, faith in God, interested in truth, good morals and Intelligence

2. Rajas:

Over talking, ego, Anger unhealthy Competitions.

2. Tamas:

Fear, Absence of knowledge, inadequate knowledge, abnormal sleep laziness and depression.


The Prakruthi or basic constitutional nature of each individual is determined at the time of conception. At this stage the constitution of the individual is determined by the permutations and combinations of the five basic eternal elements that manifests in the parents ‘SUKRA’ and -ARTHAVA'(Male and Female gametes). Once birth has genetically made its elemental in print, we cannot alter to suit our needs. While we may be influenced positively or negatively by our culture, society and environment our basic nature at birth is established from the interlacing of the five eternal elements and the combination of these elements present on birth remains constant. But the combination of elements that stimulates the continuous Physiopathological events in the body alters in response to the changes in the environment, food habits and daily routine etc.

According to Ayurveda there are seven Prakrutis or Constituted types.

1. Vatha Type
2. Pitha Type
3. Kapha Type
4. Vatha Pitha Type
5. Vatha Kapha Type
6. Pitha Kapha Type
7. Vatha Pitha Kapha Type

Vatha type, Pitha type and Kapha type are the three important constitutional natures.

Characteristics: 1 Vatha (wind - dominant type)

Under weight and slim, hair, teeth, bones and skin are brittle, head, chest. hands, legs, joints., nose, eyes and lips are narrow and dry, joint crepitation on movements.






Active, violent, vivid

Hunger/ Thirst


Favorite Foods

Sweet, Sour, Salty

Intrinsic disposition

Friendly calm, dependable, grateful, well-behaved, honest, joyful etc


Slow but firm




Constipated, dry, hard




weak, mostly short lived


Low resistance


to diseases of nerves and mental illness

Characteristics: 2 Pitha (fire - dominant type)

Medium height, can have soft, thin hair (often blonde) Inclined to premature greying, forming of wrinkles and baldness, tendency for unpleasant bodily smell, cannot bear heat , thin skin, Head, chest, hands, legs, eyes, nose and lips etc. normal and not dry. Eyes become red more quickly.


Sharp, Cutting, moderate




Fear, anger, violence, war

Hunger/ Thirst


Favorite Foods

Cold, bitter, astringent, sweet

Intrinsic disposition

bold, aggressive, intelligent, witty, violent, adventurous etc

Characteristics: 3 Kapha (phlegm - dominant type)

Powerful, firm, big bones, often overweight, smooth, luxuriant, greasy dark hair, hard skin, head, chest, hand and legs, joints, nose, eyes, lips etc. are big humid and firm can bear heat and little cold.


Slow but steady


Deep sound


often of swimming, of lakes of beautiful panoramas

Hunger/ Thirst

low stable

Favorite Foods

Hot spicy, bitter, astringent

Intrinsic disposition

friendly, calm, dependable, grateful, well behaved, resolute, honest, joyful etc


slow but firm






very intance


strong, high, life expectancy


stronger resistance


All disease of breathing organs and lymphatic system, disease of joints.

Prakruties of single Doshas predominant and Tridosha predominant (Vatha, Pltha and Rapha) occur very rarely. Usually combinations of two doshas are seen.

Vatha Pitha Type

Properties of Vatha Pitha


Hot & Cold





Functions of Vatha Pitha

Governs nerve impulse Conduction

Blood Circulation

Muscle contraction

Muscle contraction




Easily Distracted



Sharp Intellect

Important sites of Vatha Pitha

Large Intestine

Hollows of Bones

Empty spaces

Small intestine


Vatha Kapah Type

Properties of Vatha Kapha



Functions of Vatha Kapha

Nerve impulse conduction

Blood Circulation

Muscle Contraction





Important sites of Vatha Kapha

Large Intestine

Hollows of Bones

Empty spaces



Pitha Kapah Type

Properties of Pitha Kapha







Functions of Pitha Kapha



Thick Fluids

Remains Calm

Learns well

Decision making

Strong will



Important sites of Pitha 






Small intestine


Digestive fluid


Vitha Pitha Kapha Type

Properties of Vitha Pitha Kapha


Functions of Vitha Pitha Kapha

Governs all types of Movements



Important sites of Vitha Pitha Kapha

All tissues

Health In Ayurveda

The objectives of Ayurveda are to establish prime health in every living being, physically, mentally and spiritually. The basic concepts and fundamental principles aim at establishing such a condition through correct and thorough knowledge of healthy living. The living body can function normally only when its Doshas, Dhatus, Malas and Agni are in a state of equilibrium. The Trigunas also play a vital role in the maintenance of three dimensional healths. When these factors become either increased or decreased, either partially or totally, the body may either become sick or dead.

Heath according to Ayurveda can be defined as a state of equilibrium of the action of Doshas, Dhathus, Malas and Agni accompanied by a sensation of well being (tranquility) of body and sense organs, mind and soul. Such a person is called Swastha.

Diseases And Their Causes

The harmony and the balance of the Doshas, Dhatus, Malas and Agni in the body is the primary condition of the health. The equilibrium is maintained through a life in conformity with the laws of nature.

Wrong behavior and food habits disturb the harmony and lead to diseases.

The vitiated Doshas are the prime causative factor for a disease. Because they are the only causative factors for the vitiation (derangement) of other body elements like Dhatus, Malas, and Agni etc. Both under pathological and healthy conditions, the Doshas behave in different patterns and elicit various signs and symptoms in regard to their vitiation, direction of spreading area of localization and manifestation.

The Doshas can be vitiated mainly by two ways normally and abnormally. The normal vitiation is produced by the inevitable and natural factors like seasonal variations, diurnal variations and various stages of digestion. This type of vitiation is easy to treat and often it does not require any treatment as the conditions subside automatically. Abnormal vitiation of Doshas is caused by deliberate exposure to specific etiological factors, both external-and internal. That is abuse of functions of sense organs, wrong bodily habits, suppression of body urges, ill food habits, avoidance of seasonal and daily regimes. Incompatible combination of food, lack of body care and preservation of health, constant exposure of mind to bad feelings like greed, Jealousy, anger etc.

Having a thorough knowledge of the signs and symptoms produced by the vitiated Doshas and Dhatus and through careful examination one can know causative factors of a disease.

This is very much helpful in aspect of treatment. The basic principles of treatment in Ayurveda is to eliminate the internal disease causing factors of disease, also to bring back the vitiated Doshas, Dhatus, Malas and Agni to the normal functioning state.

Diagnosis In Ayurveda

There are three main methods mentioned in Ayurveda for diagnosing the Dosha imbalance and disease process in a person. They are

1. Darsana Pareeksha

By observing the patient’s physical sign and symptoms, Example-color of skin, hair, eyes, behavior, and body condition etc.

2. Prasana Pareeksha

By asking minute questions regarding the imbalance of each Doha.

3. Sparsana Pareeksha

By touching the patient, the pulse diagnosis, palpation, percussion and auscultation are included in this method.

Nadi Pareeksha

(Pulse diagnosis) is a very important tool for diagnosis. The Physician feels the radial artery pulsations on the wrist of the patient and through his experience he can get a clear picture of the milieu interior.

“There are two specific diagnostic procedures that can be included in the above division. They are

Ashta Sthana Pareeksha (Eight step diagnosis)









(Pulse diagnosis)

(examination of tounge)

(examination of stool)

(examination of urine)

(examination of voice)

(examination of body temprature)

(examination of eye ball)

(examination of the physique)

Dasa Vidha Pareeksha (Ten step diagnosis)











(examination of the seven dhatus and Doshas)

(examination of the surroundings)

(examination of strength)

(examination of season)

(examination of agni)

(examination of Body Constitution)

(examination of age)

(examination of Metal power)

(examination of compatibility)

(examination of food habits)

Treatment In Ayurveda

The treatment in Ayurveda can be classified broadly into two

Sodhana Chikilsa (Purification Therapy)                                                  Shamana Chikilsa (Alleviating Therapy)

Sodhana Chikilsa

The main aim of these treatments is to eliminate the internal causative factors of the disease. Large quantities of toxic bi-products are formed in the body as a result of continuous metabolic process. All though most of these toxins are eliminated naturally by the body’s excretory systems, some may get deposited in the various tissues of the body, which ensures the vitiation of Doshas, Dhatus etc and then the normal functioning of the systems is impaired. Similarly disease causing toxins accumulate in the body as a result of various factors like wrong body habits, wrong food habits, incompatible combination of food items, suppression of the body urges, emotional imbalance etc.


(Emesis Therapy) Internal oral medicines are administered to induce vomiting.
(Purgation Therapy) Here internal medicines are administered to induce purgation.
(Nasal Medication) Herbal Medicines in the form of oil or power is administered through the nostril.
(Medicated enema therapy) Herbal medicines in the form of decoction or oil are administered through annus.
(Bloodletting therapy) in this procedure impure blood is drained out of the body through various means. (Needla-Pricking, Venesection, Leaching etc.)

These five procedures are collectively termed as Pancha Karma. The word literally means five procedures to purify the body there by to bring back the body functions to the normal tone. This is specially formed in a condition of increased Dosha Vitiation.

Shaman Chikilsa

This is specially done after the sodhana Therapy and in less vitiation. Herbal medicines are used internally and externally to correct the derangement of functions of Dosha, Dhatus, malas and Agni and also to increase the body immunity. The restoration of normally is brought about without any elimination.

Preparatory Procedure

Prior to any karma, the body should be prepared for the elimination. The deposited toxic products should be made loose from the cells and tissues and should be brought into outer channel for elimination. For this purpose two main therapeutic procedures are done in association.

Snehana Karma (Oleation Therapy)

Swedana Karma (Sudation Therapy)

In Snehana Karma, Herbal medicines in the form of oil and ghee preparations are used both externally and internally. The various procedures implemented for snehana Therapy are Sneha, Panam, Abhyangam and Massage, Sirovasthy, Sirodhara, Pizhichil etc.

Swedana Karma is sweating process. This is done in association with the Snehana Karma. The various Swedana Procedures are Njavarakizhi, Pichichil, Elakizhi, Choornasweda, Steam Bath, Hot Herbal Bath etc.

Prime Treatments In Ayurveda

1. Pizhichil

Pizhichil is one, among the rare and special treatments of Kerala. In this treatment, lukewarm herbal oils are applied all over the body by two to four trained therapists, in special rhythmic way continuously for 60 to 90 minutes, per day for a period of 7 to 21 days. This treatment is done in a special table made from a single piece of Strychnos Nuxvomica wood. This treatment is very useful for Rheumatic diseases like arthritis, paralyses, hemiplegia. Paralysis-agitanus, sexual weakness, nervous weakness and nervous disorders etc.

2. Njavarakizhi

It is a type of sudation process in which the whole body or any specific part thereof is made to perspire by the application of certain medicinal puddings externally in the form of boluses tied up in muslin bag. This is applied by two to four masseurs for about 60 to 90 minutes per day for a period of 14 days. This treatment is for all type of rheumatism, pain in the joints, emaciation of limbs, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and certain kinds of muscular diseases (atrophy).

3. Sirodhara

‘Sira’ means Head and ‘Dhara is the continuous flow of liquid. In this process, some herbal oils, medicated milk, medicated butter milk etc. are poured on the forehead in a special method for about 40 minutes in a day for a period of 7 to 21 days. This treatment is mainly for Insomnia, loss of memory, headaches, mental tension and certain skin diseases.

4. Vasthi

Otherwise known as “medicated Enema”, Vasthi is a Therapeutic procedure in which certain herbal oils, herbal extracts etc. are applied through the rectum daily for a period of 5 to 25 days. This treatment is effective for arthritis, paralysis, hemiplegia, numbness, gastric complaints, rheumatism and chronic constipation.

5. Sirovasthy

Certain lukewarm herbal oils are poured into a cap fitted on the head and held for 15 to 60 minutes per day according to the patient’s conditions for a period of 7 days. This treatment is highly effective for facial paralysis, dryness of nostrils, mouth and throat, severe headaches and other diseases of the head.

6. Udvarthanam

This treatment is otherwise known as Powder Massage. This is found very effective in obesity hemiplegia, paralysis, skin diseases, impaired circulation etc. and similar Kapha predominant diseases. In this procedure certain special Herbal Powders are applied by 2 Therapists in a peculiar way on the body for about 30 to 40 minute daily for a period of 14 to 28 days.

7. Abhyangam

This is special type of oil massage in which strokes are given according to the circulatory channels for 45 minutes per day for 14 days. This treatment is very useful for obesity, loss of skin lustre, sleeplessness; fatigue other vata predominant diseases etc.

8. Nasyam

Being one among the ‘Panchakarma’ procedure, Nasyam is a treatment in which herbal juices, medicated oils etc. are applied through nose for 14 days. This treatment is highly effective for certain kinds of headaches, paralysis, mental disorders, some type of skin diseases etc.

9. Snehapanam

This word literally means oral intake of medicated oils or ghee preparations. This is done as a therapeutic procedure and also as a preparatory process during the Body Purification Therapy. In this treatment Medicated Ghee or Oils are given internally in proportionally increasing quantity for a period of 08 to 12 days. This treatment is very effective for Osteo Arthritis, Psoriasis, and Chronic Constipation Haemorrhoids etc.

10. Kizhi

Herbal leaves or powders are made in boluses and is applied on the whole body or a part specified after dipping it in warm medicated oils. This is done for 45 minutes daily for a period of 07 to 14 days. This is very effective for Osteo Arthritis, spondylosis, sports injuries etc.

11. Dhanyamla Dhara

Warm herbal liquid is poured all over the body in a rhythmic way using a special vessel. This is clone for 45 minutes to 01 hour daily. This treatment is very effective for hemiplegia, paralysis etc.

12. Yoni Prakshalanam

Herbal oils and decoction are applied through the vaginal route. This treatment is good for gynecological disorders. It is also a purification process for genital organ.

13. Kativasthi

In this process, specially prepared warm medicated oil is kept over the lower back with herbal paste boundary. This treatment lasts for 45 minutes to 01 hour and it is good for any type of back pain and spinal disorders.

14. Urovasthi

Like Kativasthiwarm medicated oil is kept over the chest for 45 minutes. This is an effective treatment for asthma, other respiratory problems, heart diseases and muscular chest pain.

15. Ksheeradhoomam

This is a special procedure in which a mixture of medicinal decoction and cow’s milk is heated and the steam thus liberated is passed to a tube and applied over the affected area or whole body. This is found very effective for facial paralysis, speech disorders, ptosis and various nervous disorders.

16. Thalam

Special powder mixed with medicated oil is applied on the top of the head for 20 to 45 minutes. This treatment is helpful for curing ENT problems, insomnia, migraine etc.

17. Lepanam

This is a process in which medicated herbal paste is applied on the affected part. This is useful for various types of inflammatory conditions, skin diseases, arthritis, gout, etc.

18. Thalapothichil

Various medicinal herbs selected according to Dosha predominance is made into a paste and applied to the scalp for 30 to 45 minutes. This treatment is good for insomnia, premature graying and other problems related to the hair and scalp.

19. Sandhi Vatha Chikilsa

Unlike the modem medicine, Ayurveda has very effective cures for Rheumatic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, cervical spondylitis, osteoporosis etc. This programme includes massage, lepanam, oil application on affected parts, kizhi, steam bath, snehavasthy, kashaya vasthy, pizhichil, njavarakizhi, snehapanam and internal medicines.

20. Swasa Kasa Chlkilsa

Respiratory diseases like bronchial asthma, prolonged cough, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis etc. can be very effectively treated in Ayurveda. This programme includes body massage, urovasthy, pizhichil, podikizhi, snehavasthy, kashaya vasthy, nasyam and internal ayurvedic medicines.

21. Sukhanidra

Ayurveda, the knowledge of life is not only related with the body but with the mind and soul also. This particular treatment programme is very much helpful for conditions like insomnia (lack of sleep), anxiety and it improves immunity and self confidences. This treatment programme includes body massages, sirovasthy, ksheera dhara, thaila dhara, thalam, thalapothichil and internal ayurvedic medicines, yoga and Meditation.

22. Psoriasis Treatment Programme

Ayurveda forms very effective treatment for all type of psoriasis and various other skin diseases. This special Ayurvedic treatment programme lasts for 21 to 28 days. This programme includes special lepanam, abhyangam, snehapanam, pizhichil, medicated steam bath, sirovasthi, exclusively prepared internal herbal medicines, along with Yoga and Meditation. Because, Ayurveda emphasises that most diseases are psychosomatic.

Prime Body Care In Ayurveda

Rejuvenation Therapy (Rasayana Chikilsa)

The various cells and tissues of the body undergo changes as age advances. So it is necessary to rejuvenate the body systems for better harmony of the Body, Mind and Soul. Aimed at achieving this goal, the Rejuvenation Therapy is includes synchronizing Body Massage by 02 therapists with Medicated Oil or Cream, also the Sirodhara, Medicated Steam Bath along with internal rejuvenative Medicines. This therapy is for 90 minutes to 2 hours per day for 7 to 14 days. Rejuvenating herbal face mask is also a part of this therapy.

Body Purification Therapy (Sodhana Chikilsa)

It is a type of sudation process in which the whole body or any specific part thereof is made to perspire by the application of certain medicinal puddings externally in the form of boluses tied up in muslin bag. This is applied by two to four masseurs for about 60 to 90 minutes per day for a period of 14 days. This treatment is for all type of rheumatism, pain in the joints, emaciation of limbs, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and certain kinds of muscular diseases (atrophy).

Body Immunization / Longevity Treatment (Kayakalp Chikilsa)

This is the prime treatment in Ayurveda for reducing ageing processes, arresting the degeneration of the body cells and increasing the immunity of the body. Giving RASAYANA (Very Special Ayurvedic Medicine) internally is the main part of this programme, along with the Panchakarma and Swedakarma treatments. The 28 days package programme includes body massage, snehapanam, virechanam, nasyam, snehavasthi, dhara, pizhichil, njavarakizhi, tharpanam, sirovasthi, kamapoornam and medicated steam bath. This treatment is best effective if taken before the age of 60 for either sex.

Slimming Program

A boon for obese people, we have a special slimming program which includes two types of massages (1) medicated herbal powder massage (2) medicated herbal oil massage. These two massages will be given for 28 days. This program also includes medicated steam bath, intake of herbal juices and herbal tea. A very special Ayurvedic diet is advised during the treatment period.

Beauty Care Program

For the beauty conscious people, this special treatment program includes Herbal Face Pack, Herbal cream massage, herbal oil massage, intake of herbal tea and steam bath. This treatment increases the skin complexion, skin tone, beautifies the body figure and also helps you to feel young.

Spine And Neck Care Program

The main sites for arthritic manifestation in the vertebral column are the lumbar and cervical regions. This treatment program is to keep your spine and neck healthy and to cure the problems associated with it. This program includes special massages, kativasthi, snehavasthi,• kashayavasthi, pizhichil, njavarakizhi, special exercises etc. This is also very effective for cervical spondylitis, osteoporosis, low back aches, sciatica etc.

Manasanthy (Stress Management Programme For Body, Mind and Soul)

This is a combination of yoga, meditation and Ayurveda therapy in a holistic method. This treatment is very effective for stress management as well as for turning your body and mind helping you to attain the temperance of mind. This therapy is 03 to 04 hours per day for 07 to 14 days including yoga, meditation, rejuvenation massage, rejuvenation therapy, dhara, njavarakizhi, thalam, herbal steam bath, mudpack etc. with intake of herbal medicines.


This is the process of medicated fumes applied to the ears for 5 to 10 minutes. This process helps to clean the ear and avoid ailments associate to-the ear.


Wrinkles, black heads, cellulites, sun tan, etc., destroy the natural beauty of the skin especially of the face. To overcome these, we have a very special Herbal Face Pack with’ specially made Herbal Powder, Fresh fruits and creams.

Mara Massage

This is a 90 minutes massage stimulating all vital points otherwise called ‘MARMAS’ of the body. This helps you to attain the equilibrium of vatha, pitha and kapha. This massage is also helpful for those involved in sports, dance and martial arts as it strengthens your deep muscles and ligaments.

Rejuvenation Massage

Body massages with herbal oil or herbal powder by hand and foot for 90 minutes. This is good for rejuvenating the body, to reduce mental tension, sexual weakness, to improve vitality etc.

General massage

Body massage is given with herbal oil or herbal powder by hands to tone the body and to improve the blood circulation. This massage is for 60 minutes. This massage is for 60 minutes.

Medicated Steam Bath

Certain precious herbal leaves and herbs are boiled and the steam is passed to the whole body for 10 to 20 minutes. This is good for certain skin diseases, to eliminate impurities from the body, to improve the tone of the body, to reduce fat etc.
